Wednesday, September 15, 2010

it's on the verge of ridiculous how i've neglected my blog lately.

but no more!

so, i guess i will begin with updating all of my followers on my helluva (hail-uh-vah) life. 

i am a sophomore now. and much more mature.

as you can see... 



aaaand here.

yeah that last one is too much, i know.

what else what else....

i got a kitten! 

but that didn't last. duh. i had to give her to a sweet old lady. and by that i mean i made robert and sam take her to an animal shelter. but there really was a sweet old lady there apparently. she made my room smell. she being the cat, not the old lady. i had to do it. plus apparently we get evicted if we have animals. 

and i don't want no part of that.

ok now i am going to scare myself before bed by watching another episode of law and order svu! those peeps are nutsy

peace niggaz

Sunday, July 18, 2010

me and em a little d-runk... gotta get those roots fixed...

just me and my new bf's....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

literal conversation i had with a girl who just graduated and is going to auburn:

her: are you in a sorority?

me: yeah, i'm an alpha gam.

her: oh, you must be really smart then!

...i just look at her for a second...

me: ohhhh i go to alabama, not auburn.

...then she just looked at me for a second... before laughing and walking away. 

and it took me a while to figure out why she laughed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

hello all,

i know you have missed my blog posts as they become more and more scarce.

however, as you all know, it is now summer. and summer is boring. unless you visit ttown.

so first things first! i will upload and narrate some summer pics for you!

this is me on the ground!
this is me with a fish!
this is me as a ghost!
this is me and ashley's boob!

that's enough excitement for now, don't want to overload you all on all my summer fun.

sorry to cut this post so short, but my dad just sent me a text reading:

Meet me at the old Lag's location on Broadway at noon.

Ok creepy. Just furthers my suspicions that he is indeed in the C.I.A. and not a sales manager for a meat packaging company. (Emma Catt knew it all along, I'm sorry I ever doubted you)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

so, this is it.

the end of my freshman year.

i think i may cry. or that may just be because i hate the library so much now.

anyway, i just wanted to spread a little cheer during the worst week of college students' lives.

i will keep this girl anonymous for purposes you will soon find out.

we will refer to her as "friend." 

friend: Sarah, we've got to get out of here... (referring to the library)

me: Why? Let's just stay at least 30 more minutes.

friend: No, I've GOT to go... I'm ground dogging.

me: What the hell is ground dogging?

friend: I've got to go to the bathroom! Like... poop!

me: Hahahahahahahahahaha first off... it's prairie dogging and second of... there is no such thing as a ground dog its ground hog retard.

friend: Whatever. If you want a ride, we're leaving now. But I don't know if i can walk down the stairs.

the end. hope that put a little light in your gloomy exam week. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

alpha gamz in nola

yes, i do realize that i am the most embarrassing girl in the world.

but my friends aren't too far behind. we're never being invited to new orleans again.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

just found this. so embarrassing. enjoy.